Healing Tool Box

a green circle with a yellow dot in the middle.

How are you feeling today?

Checking in with ourselves is an important restorative practice. In our Healing Tool Box, you'll find methods to guide your healing process through grounding and self reflection.

Looking Inward

When we take a moment to reflect on our thoughts, feelings, and experiences, we are able to process and understand them. These resources can help identify the sources of trauma and create space to develop a method for healing.

Whether its a quick daily check-in, or a deeper exploration when you feel the need, these materials provide pathways to new perspectives and insights that can inform the healing process and cultivate self awareness and growth. 

Writing prompts for when you're feeling...

Self-Compassion/ Autocompasión
- What purpose is being hard on myself serving?
- What would it take for me to be kinder to myself in this moment?
- What would it sound like if I spoke to myself the way I would to a small child?

-¿Qué propósito es ser duro conmigo mismo sirviendo? -¿Qué me haría falta para ser más amable conmigo mismo en este momento?
-¿Cómo sonaría si me hablara a mí mismo como lo haría con un niño pequeño?
Sad / Triste
- Write a letter to your future self describing how you overcame this sadness and what you learned from the experience.
 Escríbele una carta a tu futuro yo describiendo cómo superaste esta tristeza y qué aprendiste de la experiencia

- What really makes me happy is... 
 Lo que realmente me hace feliz es...

- Create a fictional character who is going through a similar experience and write a short story about how they cope with their sadness.
Crea un personaje ficticio que esté pasando por una experiencia similar y escribe una historia corta sobre cómo afronta su tristeza.
Write a gratitude list, focusing on the things in your life that bring you joy and happiness.
Escriba una lista de gratitud, centrándose en las cosas de su vida que le traen alegría y felicidad.
Happy / Feliz 
-  What made you smile today?
¿Qué te hizo sonreír hoy?

- What’s your favourite day of the week and why?
¿Cuál es tu día favorito de la semana y por qué?
-What positive memory makes you happy?
¿Qué recuerdo positivo te hace feliz?

Art Corner

Print and color these pictures to relax and ease your mind!

a black and white drawing with the words'receive the cleansing and healing of our powers of the universe'.
a boy in the garden coloring pages.
healing is not linear coloring page.
a coloring page with the words be kind.
healing takes time coloring page.
a gingerbread house coloring page.

By and for the community.

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